Free Expression

There I was again... The "Free Expression Tunnel" at NC State University.. Only this time it was different. I was touching up a huge "free donuts" wall that I painted. This guy I ran into a while back actually paid me to do the  "free donuts" wall! In addition to getting paid, we also met at the local home depot, where I loaded a grocery cart full of Rust Oleum with an understanding that I was keeping all those extras... So... I get to NC state around 6:00PM and it was absolute mayhem.. Traffic, foot traffic, booties in soft cotton shorts, spandex and what not...I had only been there late nights to paint, I didn't realize there are thousands of people that go to school and live at the campus too. Whatever.. I get there and the adventure club was trying to muscle in on my wall...  That's the thing with free expression... You can express yourself, and then 15 mins later someone comes along and bust their expression all over your hard work and claims an act of "free expression." The whole reason I was down there in the first place is because some dude name "N3VR" painted over my donuts...Muppet!... So Here I am dealing with that shit, and I got the adventure club trying to muscle my spot, then,  in the mean time, I got every 18 year old girl asking to use my paint so they can rage against the machine. This "legal wall" graffiti game is brutal. I don't think you can even call it Graffiti if it's legal... Hmm... 64
I was just messing around, but the kid who was there the night before looked like he put in some work. I think the name is "CYRE" and the tag line said some r.i.p. shit about his home boy. Anyway, the artwork was amazing, the kid took time working with shading and his lines were clean.

This was the fucking adventure club taking over half the wall.. The would of painted over my shit too if  didn't roll up them and put a stop to it.. 

This was the my Donuts shit I painted.. Like I said, I got paid and I got paint to do this shit... It didn't take long, I hijacked a red wall and turned someone else's advertisement into a big black arrow..


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