Tes One

I use to live in St. Petersburg Florida, and it's been about 5 years since I left. I keep in touch with a few folks here and there, but for the most part I have divorced myself from the life on that peninsula.  I do, however, browse the internet to see what's going on in the Tampa Bay art scene. There are a few artist that I keep up with via websites and social media. I like several artist from the Tampa Bay area, but the one who inspires me the most is a guy that goes by the name of "Tes-One." I do not know him personally, but one of my tightest bro-skeetos, E-Double, went to school with Tes-One...That about all I know about this dude. Except for one thing, and that is the fact that his art work is dope. All of this back story really isn't that important. What is important is that I like the art work he puts out. His style is Uber Clean.. Every thing he makes has razor sharp lines, perfect tones and a smooth feel to it. Some of his joints I like more than others, but I have yet to come across any artwork of his that is wack. He is consistent. All of his work has a very distinct style to it, and it translates well onto diffrent subject matters. Check it out for your self:Tesone.com. Look under the "work" tab for pictures. I also clipped a bunch of them and pasted them below. 

Another important attribute is his personal signature. In a world were branding is everything an artist should have a dope logo or tag to claim their work. I love the Power sign altered ever so slightly to reflect the 
"T" and "O" of his name... 


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