The Night Of on HBO

So my main man E-Double a.k.a Erich put me up on a new series put out by HBO. It's called "The Night Of"! Now I've been on a show low since Game of thrones went off, but I did have some relief when Marco Polo on Netflix dropped a Season 2 on me. I have a love hate relation with the Netflix method.. I love the fact you get the whole season like Bah-Bam, however, I hate the fiend in me that watches all the episodes in a weekend and feel like 10 cuts wasn't enough. Anyway, back to HBO's new shit. Granted, I have only watched half of the first episode, but I'm all the way up. This series already feels like it's got some heat to it, and usually it turns to fire. I felt the same way when I watched True Detective season 1, not so much on round 2, but never the less I will keep watching. Anyway, the tea house demand pictures, so here are some snaps.



  1. DREW!!! It's Lina, I am digging this blog!!

    1. Thanks lina!! I apreciate it... my girl says she can hardly read it bc of the grammar errors... lol

  2. Ha! Shane isn't any better with grammar. :)


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