Netflix Marco Polo

So finally, after  a tear of waiting, plus a few days... My girl took the kids to see Justin Bieber... Me...
I stayed home and finally put the new season of Marco Polo on Netflix. If you haven't seen it, watch it...If you don't have Netflix, bootleg the avi from a torrent site. It has a huge budget, and it goes toe to toe with Game of thrones, Vikings, and whatever else is out there. If you have ever read the Loose Leaf Blog, than you know we love art... It just so happens that Marco Polo has one of the dopest opening artistic sequences I have ever seen... I really liked the ones HBO did for band of brothers, it has that feel... Check out the video I linked in about the making of the sequence.  ...64

When I was looking for pictures for this post... I came across this article on "how they did it"...
If you want to read more in depth, than follow the link:


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